The guiding idea 3 Stripes in Nature is adapted by Agentur Richter for adidas to all communication measures; the DAV Summit Club with more than 800 mountain guides as ambassadors becomes a cooperation partner. adidas outdoor is granted premium shelf space at engelhorn Sports, Karstadt Sport, Intersport, Sport Scheck.
adidas – 3 stripes in nature
adidas outdoor market launchAgentur Richter was commissioned by adidas to develop a new outdoor brand.
The guiding idea was to be simple and internationally understandable. Creation and implementation of the market launch as lead agency.
adidas is looking for a new growth market, the football sector is almost exhausted. The outdoor market offers growth opportunities but is already occupied by established brands in the sports retail sector. Placement is only possible through displacement. adidas has no expertise in mountaineering. We are looking for a core message that enables a natural and at the same time high presence in the highly competitive outdoor market. In workshops with adidas and on the basis of a study by Boston Consulting, Agentur Richter develops the guiding principle: Actually, we have always been there. And it integrates the roots of the adidas brand: authenticity, passion, innovation, commitment, genuineness.
Our idea “3 Stripes in Nature” sums up all the requirements, works internationally and prompts adidas to commission us as lead agency for adidas outdoor for six years.
Corporate design, overall campaign, trade fair and event communication, web design, social media, PoS communication, public relations
adidas outdoor quickly gains a firm foothold in the sports retail trade, the campaign is adapted for 8 European countries.
Double-digit sales growth is achieved and adidas outdoor quickly closes the gap to the competition. The claim LIFE IS OUTSIDE, consciously based close to a top dog in the industry, contributes decisively to this success according to market research results.