USP: The visual language developed by Agentur Richter for adias outdoor and the concept of the outdoor family are a door opener to sports retailers. The initial opinion of retailers “rather stay with your football, for outdoor we have better players” was revised. adidas outdoor is granted premium shelf space at engelhorn Sports, Karstadt Sport, Intersport, Sport Scheck.
adidas – Desire at the point of sale through emotional communication
Awaken desire at the POS –
the expertise of the Agentur Richter specialists.
The sports retail trade sees itself as its own brand and offers hardly any space for POS material other than space for brand logos. Image visuals are often adapted, but a whole segment is advertised, not the individual brand.
The task: eye-catching positioning of adidas outdoor’s image, technologies and experience at the POS.
Our idea: the adidas customer magazine as an ideal platform for stories about the adidas outdoor family and new technologies for clothing and shoes. In addition, our strategy of offering space in the magazine to outdoor-savvy cooperation partners. These are the brands Toyota, Audi, Landrover, Berchtesgadener and GoreTex.
Editorial design, editing, photo shooting, storytelling, commercials
The magazine is already out of stock at most sports retailers after the first Saturday. Further potential cooperation partners contact adidas directly.
Print still works – if the measure is relevant and of high quality. We supported them with moving images: spots about the making of at the respective locations: Dolomites, Costa Rica, Norway, Alps.